The Annapolis Valley African Violet Society is a group of people from Nova Scotia and the Annapolis Valley who meet on the last Saturday of the month (except for July & August) at Nicholsville Community Hall, 413 Victoria Rd. Nicholsville NS at 1pm. Meetings generally discuss the growing and care of Saintpaulias (African Violets) and other related plants in the gesneriad family.
The group is highly active and between them, the members grow approximately 450 different varieties of African Violet, Streptocarpus, Columnea, Aeschynanthus, Sinningia, Episcia and Primulina. Several of the members attend African Violet Conventions and shows throughout Canada and the U.S.A. The AVAVS is affiliated with the African Violet Society of Canada (AVSC) and the African Violet Society of America (AVSA).
The society maintains an extensive library of books, magazines, newsletters and CD/DVDs that are available to its members by contacting the librarian. If you sign out any library materials, the Librarian requests that the materials be returned at the following meeting.
Pictured above are some of the society members after another very successful African Violet Flower Show.